Rule # 1 in Life: "Always Be Happy and At Peace"  


My degree is in Management Science with an emphasis on Marketing. I have created AND consulted successful, multimillion dollar corporations--and have NEVER failed to ensure their growth &  profitability..


 What makes me "different"? My experience & successes are real and verifiable. I am a clear-headed, optimistic motivator and team longer caught up in the hustle & bustle of corporate life. I live to play and enjoy each day with my family. My LIFESTYLE makes me a more effective speaker!

Hire Andrew Greenstein to entertain, inspire, & motivate YOUR audience -- like NO ONE else can...
Please fill in the fields below. I will review your request within 3 business days and schedule a phone consultation to discuss what I can do for you. Highly customized, motivational & entertaining presentations are available for all purposes from ranging from charity events to corporate seminars. Keynote speeches start at just USD $4795!
Click here to listen to me speaking at Orlando's recent "Celebration Of Hope" event..

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Company Name:
Primary Website:
Street Address:
Street Address, Line 2:
City: State: Postal Code:
Telephone #
Alt. Telephone # [optional]:
Date(s) of presentation [enter in any format]:
Geographic Location (City/State/Country):
Anticipated audience size:

Briefly describe the purpose/function at which you would like me to speak. Include what you would like to accomplish by having me there.. We will, of course, go into far greater detail in subsequent correspondence via telephone:


All information submitted via this form will be kept strictly confidential. You are under no obligation to accept any proposal given. If you decide to hire me to speak, a detailed written agreement reflecting the interests of all parties involved will be forwarded to you shortly thereafter. Rates vary according to project.



At the age of 28, I retired from my own highly successful, multi-million dollar Internet-based company after working more than 125 hours per week for 6 1/2 years to grow it. 5 years later, I have visited more than 30 countries, overcome handicaps, and delivered award-winning speeches. I am available on a case-by-case basis for professional consulting and motivational speaking. Click here to contact me directly...

Available talks include (but are not limited to): Overcoming Life's Obstacles, Putting Family First To Enjoy TRUE Success, Transforming Goals Into Definite Realities, Sales Force Motivation, Working To Win, and Finding Peace In An Unpeaceful World.

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